Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nutrition, Sleep and Recovery

Nutrition, sleep and recovery

Department of Physiology, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Halson, Shona L.(2008) 'Nutrition, sleep and recovery', European Journal of Sport Science, 8: 2, 119 —126


Ensuring athletes achieve an appropriate quality and/or quantity of sleep may have significant implications for performance and recovery and reduce the risk of developing overreaching or overtraining. Indeed, sleep is often anecdotally suggested to be the single best recovery strategy available to elite athletes. A number of nutritional factors have been suggested to improve sleep, including valerian, melatonin, tryptophan, a high glycaemic index diet before bedtime, and maintenance of a balanced and healthy diet. Conversely, consumption of alcohol and caffeine and hyper-hydration may disturb sleep. Strategies such as warming the skin, hydrotherapy, and adoption of appropriate sleep hygiene (maintenance of good sleep habits and routines) are other tools to aid in sleep promotion. Ensuring athletes gain an appropriate quality and quantity of sleep may be important for optimal athletic performance.

Keywords: Caffeine, valerian, core temperature, tryptophan

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Is Variation In Training Overrated?

Is Variation In Training Overrated?

The virtue of variation in endurance sports training is often hyped. But here’s why your program may benefit from a little less variation and a little more repetition.

Much is made of the virtue of variation in endurance sports training. Heck, I’ve made much of it myself. Some coaches and experts go so far as to say that one should never do the same workout twice in a training cycle. But lately I’ve come to believe that too much is made of the virtue of variation in endurance sports training, and not enough of the complementary virtue of repetition.